Have you ever shipped a large box that seems to weigh nothing, yet the invoice you get is higher than you expected? This likely has to do with the difference between dimensional weight and actual weight. We all know how to find the actual weight of our international packages; we just look at the scale the box is sitting on and read the number. But why does my 10 lb shipment in a 12x12x12 inch box cost less than those same 10 lbs in a 24x24x24 inch box?
Topics: International Shipping, Domestic Shipping, Exports, Imports, billing
We have some exciting news to remind you about: Optimal Ship supports Online Bill Pay! Our Online Bill Pay is a secure and simple to use bill pay system that affords you peace of mind. Here are some of benefits of using Optimal Ship’s Online Bill Pay:
Topics: International Shipping, Domestic Shipping, account, billing
If you need more business, it’s likely that you’ve thought about offering free shipping to people who buy your merchandise, especially if you don’t have a storefront. It's become an increasingly demanded and popular option for customers. Amazon does it, Walmart does it, and even DollarTree offers it for shipments sent to your closest store.
Topics: Domestic Shipping
What's the Difference Between International and Domestic Shipping?
If your company is thinking about shipping internationally, you’re probably already shipping domestically. That makes sense; it’s much easier, in almost every country, to start shipping to places within your borders. The rules are consistent within a country and packages get to where they need to go without the hassle of customs and other delays.
Topics: International Shipping, Domestic Shipping
The Role the Pony Express Played in the Shipping Industry
How did we ship products without the internet? Before digital media did the work for us, we had to do the work ourselves, and this often involved using our equine companions to assist in our efforts. While we couldn't ship internationally with horses, we certainly made leaps and bounds forward with domestic shipping during the mid-1800's. One of the flagship transportation services, despite its short lifespan, became one of the most recognized mail delivery services in history.
The Pony Express
Topics: Fun Shipping History, Domestic Shipping